Wednesday 23 October 2013

Spinal Decompression Therapy: Correction of Spinal Misalignments

Many patients, especially in the initial phases of spinal decompression therapy or chiropractic adjustments, want to know how to hold their corrections better. Should I do this, or avoid that? What kind of shoes should I wear? Which exercises should I do and which ones should I avoid? The answers to these questions vary with each individual case and the type of spinal decompression therapy prescribed.

McKim Chiropractic is health care Chiropractors Boise ID profession treat with spinal decompression for relief of pressure. Consider Spinal Decompression Therapy Boise ID, the safe, non-surgical alternative with us.

The stability of the correction through spinal decompression therapy depends more on the complexity of the misalignment and how effectively and competently it is corrected than it does on the things you do or don't do. A professional wrestler will obviously need more adjustments than a corporate executive. But again, this will depend on the complexity of the misalignment, not on the severity of the symptoms.

Many people think that the more severe the symptoms, the more serious the correction must be, but that isn't really the case. It's the interference caused by the misalignment to how your structure, your nervous system, and your body functions that determines the symptoms, not the severity of the misalignment.

  • General physical fitness seems to be an advantage in holding a correction, but no specific exercises have ever proven effective in stabilizing the correction of a particular misalignment. For example, "weekend warriors" or "amateur sports enthusiasts" are constantly doing things that their body is not prepared to react to or to perform. Take the time to warm up before a game or strenuous activity. If possible, train both strength and aerobic functions of your body relative to the activity.
  • Psychologically, it works better to consider the strength of knowing what the problem is when your spine misaligns again and that you can have it corrected, rather than limiting what you do in life to be adjusted again.

Spinal Decompression Therapy can correct the interference to your life and help you do want you want to do!

What is the DRS Protocol™?

Our doctors at McKim Chiropractic want to recommend the DRS Protocol™, a non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, for qualifying patients for relief of pain associated with spinal and disc problems. Before prescribing a course of treatment, patients are given a thorough examination to determine whether they are a candidate for the DRS Protocol™.

Call the Nampa or Boise McKim Chiropractic office or go to for more information about the DRS Protocol™. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID achieve pain-free living!

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