Monday 11 January 2016

Post-Chiropractic Treatment

Low back pain is one of the most common maladies among the general population.  The rate of occurrence was reported by Ghaffari, Alipour, Farshad, Yensen, and Vingard (2006) to be between 15% and 45% yearly.  According to Hoy et. al. (2014), out of 291 conditions studied in the Global Burden of Disease 2010 Study, low back pain ranked highest in terms of disability, and sixth in terms of overall burden. 

McKim Chiropractic is a health care Chiropractic Treatment Boise ID vital to the injured athlete with Chiropractic Therapy Boise ID concern deliberate for your particular problems.

A 2013 study by Leemann, Peterson, Schmid, Anklin, and Humphreys concluded that a large percentage of acute chronic lumbar disc herniation patients treated with high-velocity, low-amplitude chiropractic treatment (spinal manipulation/adjustments) reported continued improvement at the one-year mark with no serious adverse effects.  The study’s purpose was to evaluate patients with low back pain and leg pain that was the result of a herniated lumbar disc which had been confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. 

The patients’ reported outcomes of change and pain levels were collected at various times during a one-year period.  The results showed significant improvement at each evaulation.  At the one-year point, 88% were much better.  According to the authors, “The results in this current study are encouraging when considering that it is chronic low back pain patients who carry the economic burden with greater use of prescription medications and increased use of other health care resources.” (Leemann et al., 2013, p. 161).

There are many treatment options available that fall into one of two categories, surgical or conservative care.  Chiropractic treatment (i.e., spinal manipulation/adjustment) is one of the most widely used conservative treatment options with doctors of chiropractic performing the majority of them. 

Prevent pain and further injury by having regular chiropractic treatment!  Contact a qualified doctor of chiropractic by calling McKim Chiropractic today for more information and to schedule a consultation.  Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Boise, IDNampa, ID, and Caldwell, ID live life to the fullest!