Have you or one of your family members been involved in an automobile accident recently? Possibly you were in one several weeks or months ago and you are just now starting to feel the effects of it. Whether the accident happened at high speeds on the interstate, or simply moving about 20 mph on a side street, it causes an incredible amount of stress on the body and spine, damaging ligaments and other soft tissues in the process. Don’t put off finding an auto accident chiropractor to correct an injury to your spine and prevent further damage from occurring.
McKim Chiropractic is a health care profession treat with Auto Accident Chiropractor Boise ID concern deliberate for your particular problems. Meet our Prenatal Chiropractic Boise ID for the Whole Family Care.
Head and neck conditions are the most common types of injuries in accidents. This type of injury is generally referred to as whiplash--the action of a person’s head or neck being violently forced in one direction and then the opposite. Whiplash can also occur from work injuries, sporting activities, or even just falling. It is important to seek care immediately because many times the symptoms may not be evident for hours or even days after the incident.
Immediately after an accident you should:
- Rest and ice – It is important to reduce inflammation as early as possible with ice packs and rest for the damaged area.
- Seek immediate care -- If you are experiencing dizziness, loss of balance, or confusion, don’t put off any necessary medical or chiropractic treatment.
- Consult an auto accident chiropractor – Additional treatment can be provided to correct any spinal issues and to speed up the healing process.
Most common symptoms of whiplash:
- Neck pain and/or stiffness
- Head pain and/or headaches, especially at the base of the skull
- Pain that travels down arms or back
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Vertigo
- Jaw pain
Many different injuries can occur from auto accidents, work injuries, falls, or sporting activities. It is important to have a chiropractor perform a thorough exam to ensure the health of your body and spine. An X-ray will be performed to ensure the integrity of the auto injury victim’s structural system. With the thorough exam and images, an effective course of treatment can be prescribed.
Noteworthy: Prevent further damage to your spine. Early treatment from an auto accident chiropractor will help your body recover more quickly from injury with full healing restored.
If you have signs of whiplash following an accident, call McKim Chiropractic today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com for more information and to schedule a consultation with an auto accident chiropractor. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping persons involved in auto accidents in Boise, ID, Nampa, ID, and Caldwell, ID, reduce the pain and damage caused from whiplash!