Many people think of massages as something offered at spas mainly just for relaxation purposes. While massages do help you relax, there are many other benefits as well. As part of a course of chiropractic treatment for back and neck pain, mobility issues, and other problems, a chiropractic doctor will often recommend massage therapy.
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If you've been considering massage therapy, the three benefits described below may convince you to call your chiropractic doctor and schedule an appointment:
1. Reduces Pain -- Massage therapy is especially helpful in treating back and neck pain. This type of pain is often caused by muscle contractions that cause soreness and pain. Stress also plays a major role in this muscle-based pain, and can create a vicious cycle. Stress causes you to tense your muscles, which causes pain; that pain then causes you additional stress, which exacerbates the muscle tension. Massage therapy helps to loosen the tense muscles and relieve the stress that is causing the pain. If your pain is from an injury, massage therapy increases circulation so that healing oxygen and nutrients can flow to the injury site and reduce your discomfort.
2. Increases Flexibility -- Stiff muscles can interfere with your mobility, making even simple tasks
difficult. Massage therapy helps to release muscle knots and stiffness so you can move more easily. Massage therapy is also used before sporting events to help athletes achieve their maximum range of motion.
difficult. Massage therapy helps to release muscle knots and stiffness so you can move more easily. Massage therapy is also used before sporting events to help athletes achieve their maximum range of motion.
3. Improves Sleeping -- Massage therapy is a powerful treatment that helps resolve insomnia in two ways--stress reduction, which helps you go to sleep faster; and relief of back and neck pain that keeps you awake at night or wakes you up during the night.
Are you interested in trying massage therapy to resolve your pain, mobility, and sleeping issues? To set up an appointment with a chiropractic doctor, call McKim Chiropractic today or go to for more information about our massage and chiropractic services. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Boise, ID, Nampa, ID, and Caldwell, ID, relax and enjoy life to the fullest!