If a patient is experiencing prolonged pain and dis-ease, it isn't unusual that as part of their chiropractic treatment, a chiropractor may recommend that a patient restrict certain activities in order for the spine to heal and stabilize. Healing requires time and protection for acute conditions to be resolved or chronic problems to be controlled. A patient may be advised not to participate in any number of activities while recuperating; such as reaching overhead, lifting heavy objects, playing sports, sitting or driving for prolonged periods, operating certain machinery or tools, or performing other types of movements (such as lying back in the beauty shop sink, or vaccuming).
McKim Chiropractic is a health care Chiropractic Treatment Boise ID vital to the injured athlete with Chiropractic Doctor Boise ID concern deliberate for your particular problems.
Yet, too often, the patient decides that they have to finish painting the house, mowing the yard, plowing up the garden, move a fallen limb, play that weekly game of golf, and ...more. The doctor of chiropractic will tell you that these are the same patients who do not respond optimally to chiropractic treatment, as healing requires time and protection. Their physical condition is not allowed time to stabilize. The dysfunction, inflammation, and degeneration continues, leading to permanent impairment or surgical intervention, or both. The restrictions have now become a permanent part of the patient's life.
Recommendations on how to conduct your activities are really in your best, and many times, vital interest. Heed the instructions from your chiropractor. How much downtime you allow yourself over the following weeks or months could very well make a difference in how much activity you will be able to do later. Make wise choices today; it will pay off tomorrow!
For questions about the correct chiropractic treatment, contact our doctors of chiropractic at McKim Chiropractic. They will be happy to advise you. Call one of the convenient offices of McKim Chiropractic today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com for more information and to schedule an appointment. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Boise, ID,Nampa, ID, and Caldwell, ID live life to the fullest!