Monday, 17 February 2014

Why Use A Chiropractor for Neck Problems?

Many neck pain treatments focus only on covering up symptoms when the most commonly overlooked cause of the problems is in the upper spine. Finding a chiropractor for neck problems specially trained to treat problems with the upper spine, can save a person from a life of disability, surgery, and drugs.

Suffering from neck pain? Our expert Neck Chiropractor Boise ID at McKim Chiropractic provides painless treatment for these symptoms. Meet our Chiropractors Boise ID to become pain free treatment.

The upper spine can be a factor in the development of neck pain for two reasons:

  • First, the spine works and moves as one, continuous unit. The top two vertebrae, called the atlas and axis, are the most mobile segments in the spine, moving in six different directions, allowing the head to move up or down, bend side to side or turn left to right. The other vertebrae move primarily in two directions, which also actually makes them stronger and more stable than the top two vertebrae.
  • Secondly, the upper cervical spine (upper neck) has thousands of "sensors" responsible for maintaining both the proper posture and alignment of the spine, as well as the balance and stability of the head. These sensors are constantly monitoring head position, making the necessary changes throughout the lower spine to assure that the head remains upright.

The spine is extremely strong and stable when it is properly aligned. However, due to their mobility, the top two neck bones are especially vulnerable to injury or misalignment. When a misalignment occurs at the top of the neck, the spine compensates for it below in an attempt to protect the vital nervous system it houses. This triggers a chain reaction from the top to the bottom of the spine. When the head is thrown off balance, the lower spine is compromised; the pelvis is tilted, one leg may be drawn up or shortened, resulting in an internal weakness and a spine that is unbalanced.

If a person neglects getting the appropriate treatment from a chiropractor for neck problems, an upper cervical misalignment can lead to premature arthritis and irreversible spinal degeneration.  Have you ever been in a car accident, had any slips or falls, any work injuries, any sports injuries, or ever experienced any trauma (minor or major)? If the answer is YES to any one of these, then your current neck problems may in fact be due to a previous injury to the head or neck that resulted in a misalignment in the upper neck.

When patients seek the help of a chiropractor for neck problems, they can be empowered to live the healthiest, pain-free, and active life as they possibly can.

Enjoy the lifetime benefits of maintaining your spinal health and avoid disability, surgery and drugs! We invite you to visit one of our McKim Chiropractic offices located in Nampa, Caldwell, or Boise, ID. Call today or go to for more information and to schedule an appointment. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Boise, ID, Caldwell Id and Nampa, ID live their life to the fullest extent possible!