Monday, 24 September 2012

Pediatric Chiropractic: How does your Child adjust?

If you have been reading up on child chiropractic care, you may be aware that the master control system of growth, repair and the function of every tissue and organ in the body is the nervous system. This is the system in your child's body that is in charge of accurately interpreting the messages coming from the environment and deciding which messages to send so the body adjusts itself appropriately.

No matter the age of your child they deserve the best Child Chiropractic Care Boise ID. Contact Chiropractors Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics to find out more about Pediatric Chiropractic Boise ID.

Is it appropriate for children to receive child chiropractic care? We believe it is not only appropriate, it should be considered necessary for the proper development of their small spine. When you stop and think about the number of falls and mishaps children experience as they grow, there is a great probability of minor injuries occurring that may not seem significant at the time. However, these minor injuries, with the passing of time (maybe years), can accumulate and become a more significant health issue as an adult.

With the expertise and knowledge that is available today for good health and wellness, children do not have to endure the same physical difficulties of their parents or grandparents. Their spine can be kept mobile and in its best possible functional position with gentle pediatric chiropractic adjustments. Their whole physical body as well as their mental state is positively affected when the nervous system is relieved of stress and tension.

No matter the age of your child (from infancy to adolescence), they deserves the best child chiopractic care possible! Contact the doctors of chiropractic at McKim Health Clinics to find out more about pediatric chiropractic care. Call our office today or go to for more information and consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the children of Boise,ID and Nampa, ID achieve complete health and chiropractic wellness.

Monday, 17 September 2012

What is Hypothyroidism Alternative Treatment? Please tell me more!

Have you been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid? Are you looking for a hypothyroidism alternative treatment to replace the traditional form of hypothyroid treatment, prescribed medications?

It has been found through extensive testing that many times the root of hypothyroidism is not really in the thyroid. Research has shown that 90% of people with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune hypothyroid condition, in which the immune system attacks thyroid tissue. To cure thyroid disease, or any autoimmune condition, you have to treat the source of the imbalance, not just suppress the symptoms with medication.  

Diet - An important Hypothyroidism Alternative Treatment!

Your diet is the first line of defense as an alternative form of hypothyroid treatments. Because people with hypothyroidism experience crippling fatigue and brain fog, they reach for non-nutritional forms of quick energy.

The 10 diet tips below will help reduce your fatigue and restore the focus needed for your daily tasks.

1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine and sugar, including refined carbohydrates like flour, which can damage your thyroid and destabilize blood sugar.

2. Increase protein, which transports the thyroid hormone to all your tissues and helps normalize thyroid function. Good proteins include nuts and nut butters; quinoa; hormone- and antibiotic-free animal products (organic, grass-fed meats, eggs, and sustainably-farmed fish); and legumes.

3. Fat and cholesterol. If you’re getting insufficient fat and cholesterol, you could be exacerbating hormonal imbalance, including thyroid hormones. Natural, healthful fats include olive oil; ghee; avocados; flax seeds; fish; nuts and nut butters; hormone-and antibiotic-free full fat cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese; and coconut milk products.

4. Increase nutrients and minerals. Nutritional deficiencies do not cause hypothyroidism, but can aggravate symptoms. Make sure you’re getting sufficient levels of vitamin D, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin A, the B vitamins, and iodine. Eat non-starchy vegetables to your heart’s content.

Gluten-free? The molecular composition of thyroid tissue is almost identical to that of gluten, so eating gluten can increase the autoimmune attack on your thyroid.

6. Goitrogens? These are foods that can interfere with thyroid function, and include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, rutabaga, turnips, millet, spinach, strawberries, peaches, watercress, peanuts, radishes, and soybeans. Cooking inactivates the goitrogenic compounds, so go ahead and eat these foods in moderation.

7. Glutathione? This is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and boosts your body’s ability to modulate and regulate the immune system, dampen autoimmune flare-ups, and protect and heal thyroid tissue. Very few foods actually contain glutathione, but some help the body produce it, such as asparagus, broccoli, peaches, avocado, spinach, garlic, squash, grapefruit, and raw eggs.
8. Food sensitivities. The body will see offending or inflammatory foods as an invader and will elevate autoimmune response.

9. Add probiotics. 20 percent of thyroid function depends on a sufficient supply of probiotics (friendly intestinal bacteria).

10. Inflammation. Prevent silent inflammation by being aware of hidden allergens and toxins in your food.

Do you want to know more about Hypothyroidism Alternative Treatment? Call the office of McKim Health Clinics today or go to for more information about hypothyroid treatments, or to schedule a consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID achieve health wholeness.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Sports Chiropractic: Are you living on the sideline?

Whether you’re an amateur sports enthusiast, or involved in professional sports, at some point in time you will likely be in need of sports chiropractic due to a sports injury. The injury could be the result of poor warm up and stretching techniques, poor posture, or a previously undetected spine or joint problem that shows up during strenuous activity. The best chiropractic treatment is designed to minimize permanent injury by treating the cause of the injury.

McKim Chiropractors Clinic Boise ID is a health care center vital to the injured athlete with Sports Chiropractic Boise ID concern deliberate for your particular problems. Find our Chiropractic Treatment Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics.

What is the critical warning sign of an injury?

The answer is fairly obvious, Pain! Don’t ignore it! Following an injury, if an athlete fails to find the best chiropractic treatment as soon as possible, or continues to keep on using the injured area regardless of the pain, the healing process will be short-circuited and could result in a chronic injury, preventing the athlete from achieving his or her peak performance. Some will try to mask the symptoms and the pain with painkilling drugs, but leaving an injury untreated will only be compounded with time. Don’t delay in seeking the help of sports chiropractic treatment.

Injuries that should be taken care of with sports chiropractic treatment include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Hamstring and calf strains
  • Groin & thigh sprains
  • Achilles tendon injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Shoulder sprain/strain
  • Sciatica
  • Tennis/golfers elbow

If you have already experienced one or more of the injuries listed above, you know that sports chiropractic is the best chiropractic care vital to the injured athlete.

As doctors experienced in sports chiropractic treatment, we can help relieve your pain and get you back in the game! Contact our doctors of sports chiropractic today at McKim Health Clinics to schedule an appointment or go online at for more information about the best chiropractic treatment prescribed specifically for you. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help those active in sports activities of any kind in the Boise, ID and Nampa, ID area to get you off the bench of life!

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Want to know more about Natural Diabetes Treatment?

What kind of diabetes treatment are you on? Research has shown that diabetes and its complications can be treated and/or prevented safely without prescription drugs. If you have diabetes, or showing any of the signs of diabetes, you can start now with a natural treatment plan. This is the alternative diabetes treatment that can help you either reduce the amount of your prescribed medications, or possibly eliminate them altogether!

Wondering to know about Natural Diabetes Treatment? Reduce the amount of your prescribed medications, or possibly eliminate with our Diabetes Type II Treatments at McKim Health Clinics Boise ID.

Natural Diabetes Treatment consists of:

  • Diet: This is the single most important change any diabetic or person at risk can make. The correct diabetic diet should have a low glycemic index which means: low simple carbohydrates, moderate protein and high fiber. This diet will reduce blood sugar, insulin levels, and the need for medications. It will also help to reduce weight and blood pressure, as well as support overall health and energy.
  • Exercise: Research shows that exercise is of great benefit to diabetics and can greatly reduce the risk of developing Type II diabetes. Regular exercise also helps reduce weight, lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, strengthen the immune system, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, lower LDL (“bad”), raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and reduce risk of heart disease.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Every diabetic should be taking nutritional supplements on a daily basis to lower blood sugar and insulin levels, reduce cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. It will improve your energy, and also protects your tissues (eyes, kidneys, blood vessels), your heart, and supports your immune system. from the diabetes often causes.

Wondering about the natural diabetes treatment that may replace traditional diabetes treatment or prescription medicines? Call our office today or go to for more information or to schedule a free consultation. Our licensed and certified staff are happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID live a fully balanced life.