Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Disc Problems? Find out about Back Surgery Alternatives!

Have you found yourself wondering how to handle the extreme pain in your back? Have you been diagnosed with disc problems? If so, your medical physician may have recommended spinal surgery. While surgery is sometimes necessary, especially in cases of trauma or severe bone, disc and nerve destruction (due to a variety of causes, from infection to cancer), the vast majority of people with back pain and/or sciatica never need it. Consult with your doctor of chiropractic and ask about back surgery alternatives.

What are discs?

The intervertebral discs are little pads that lie between the vertebrae; each disc has a tough outer ring and a soft gel-like center. The discs separate the vertebrae and, because they’re knitted into the bones, also join them together. They act like little shock absorbers, cushioning the bones so they don’t crash against each other as you walk, which would be very painful. Discs help give the spine its curve, flexibility and strength,

Avoid Back Surgery with the Leading Back Surgery Alternative Boise ID treatment a proven FDA approved Spinal Decompression Therapy. Visit us at McKim Health Clinics Boise ID.

Pain caused by two types of Disc Herniation!

There are two types of herniations: protrusions and prolapses. A protrusion can occur if the gel-like center (nucleus pulposi) bulges, pushing the outer ring (annular fibrosis) out of shape. A prolapse occurs if the nucleus bulges out so much that it actually separates from the rest of the disc. If the prolapsed disc goes into the spinal cord or puts pressure on nerves, it may cause severe pain that could make sitting, standing, walking, lifting, eliminating body wastes, sneezing, coughing and moving nearly impossible. In extreme cases, foot or leg numbness or a loss of muscle control may occur.

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Of the thousands of surgical procedures performed each year for discs, medical authorities admit that a large number are unnecessary, with many of those who have surgery in the same or worse pain after the operation. To make matters worse, if surgery is ineffective the first time, a second or third operation will not help. Even successful operations could cause scar tissue, permanent spinal weakness, distortion and instability.

Chiropractic care has an answer for you with back surgery alternatives. It can save many thousands of back pain sufferers from unnecessary spinal surgery each year. Anyone facing the prospect of spinal surgery should, if possible, obtain the opinion of a doctor of chiropractic and information about back surgery alternatives before making a decision.

Our doctors at McKim Health Clinics treat our patients with a back surgery alternative, the DRS Protocol™, a non-surgical spinal decompression therapy which relieves back pain associated with spinal and disc problems. Before prescribing a course of treatment, you will be given a thorough examination to determine whether you are a candidate for the DRS Protocol™ Therapy.

Let us help you regain your ability to function pain-free in your day-to-day activities with your family and friends! Contact our doctors at McKim Health Clinics by calling our Nampa or Boise offices or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com for more information about the DRS Protocol™ back surgery alternative. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID obtain pain-free living.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Shoulder Pain holding you back? A Chiropractor for Shoulder Pain can help you!

Shoulder pain is an extremely common complaint with many causes. Like any other pain condition, the sooner you get the appropriate care from a chiropractor for shoulder pain, the quicker the pain will go and allow you to go back to normal life activities, and the less likely it will develop into a recurring and chronic problem.

Suffering from Shoulder Pain? Our expert Shoulder Chiropractors Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics provides painless treatment for this symptom. Meet Chiropractors in Boise ID Clinic.

Signs that you should seek the help of shoulder chiropractors include

  • Pain that persists more than a few days
  • Recurring pain, even if it typically settles down on its own
  • Inability to carry objects or use the arm
  • Injury that causes deformity of the joint
  • Shoulder pain that occurs at night or while resting
  • Inability to raise the arm
  • Swelling or significant bruising around the joint or arm
  • Signs of an infection, including fever, redness, warmth

What kind of treatments will shoulder chiropractors recommend?

The treatment of pain depends entirely on the cause of the problem. Therefore, it is important for the chiropractor to accurately diagnose the problem before any treatment can start. Not all the treatments listed below are appropriate for every condition, but a chiropractor for shoulder pain will prescribe the correct treatment for each patient’s unique situation.
  • Rest: Rest the joint and allow any acute inflammation to subside. Use caution when resting the joint, because prolonged immobilisation can cause a frozen shoulder.
  • Ice and Heat Application: Ice packs and heat pads are among the most commonly used treatments. If you’re not sure when to use cool or heat, be sure to ask your chiropractor.
  • Stretching and Exercise: Stretching and rehabilitation exercises of the muscles and tendons that surround the joint can help with the cause of your pain, but can also make things worse! Know what to do and when to do it!
  • Anti-Inflammatory Medication: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications are commonly prescribed medications, especially with shoulder pain caused by arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis. You should be aware of any possible side-effects of long-term use. There are some natural alternatives that may benefit you more that your chiropractor can recommend, such as low level laser therapy.
  • Cortisone injections: Cortisone is a powerful medication that treats inflammation, a common problem in patients with shoulder pain. It can be a useful adjunct to chiropractic treatment, but should not be used on its own. It is quite an invasive approach with some adverse side-effects.

Remember: Resting and taking painkillers only is not a treatment that is likely to help your shoulder in the long run, but may be a part of what you need when the treatment starts.

For more information about shoulder pain that is holding you back from living life to the full, schedule an appointment with the chiropractors for shoulder pain at McKim Health Clinics. Call us today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information and to schedule an appointment. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID receive the best care possible!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Spinal Decompression Treatments: Are there Risks?

Spinal decompression treatments are approved by the Federal Drug Administration to relieve pain caused by a bulging or herniated disc, as well as to relieve pain in the back, legs, neck and arm. Spinal decompression treatments are considered less invasive than injections, spinal surgery and anesthesia.

McKim Health Clinics Boise ID is a health care profession care with Spinal Decompression Treatment Boise ID for relief of pressure. Consider Spinal Decompression Therapy, the safe, non-surgical alternative with us.


  • Spinal Decompression Treatments are minimally invasive, but there are still risks involved. Thus, it is important to undergo a physical exam, MRI and X-rays to determine if spinal decompression treatments are correct for you.


  • Spinal decompression treatments work by relaxing the spine through specific positions. The spinal disc is put under "negative pressure," to pull the herniated disc material back inside through a vacuum effect. Because of the decrease in pressure in the discs, spinal decompression is meant to stimulate the blood supply and promote healing.


  • Spinal decompression treatments should not be used for pregnant women because of pressure on the abdomen. Patients who have spinal instability, such as severe osteoporosis or degeneration of the spine, should not use spinal decompression. If a patient has spinal surgery with the implantation of screws, metal plates or similar hardware, spinal decompression is also not used, unless the bone is fused together.


  • Spinal decompression treatments are often used for those who have back or neck pain because of damaged discs, including herniated disc, bulging discs, narrowing of the spinal column or stenosis of the spine, sciatica or radiculopathy. If there is severe nerve damage, spinal decompression therapy may not be a viable option.


  • In addition to spinal decompression treatments, it is important to know that there are other methods, such as chiropractic care, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, medication and injections. These methods can provide results in addition to or as an alternative to invasive surgical options.

The doctors at our McKim Health Clinics treat our patients with the DRS Protocol™, a non-surgical spinal decompression therapy which relieve back pain associated with spinal and disc problems. Before prescribing a course of treatment, you will be given a thorough examination to determine whether you are a candidate for the DRS Protocol™ Therapy. Contact our doctors at McKim Health Clinics by calling our Nampa or Boise offices or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com for more information about spinal decompression treatments. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID obtain pain-free living.

Monday, 26 November 2012

What is the Low Back Pain Cure?

Back pain is a modern epidemic. Eighty percent of Americans will experience disabling low back pain at least once during their lives. At this moment, there are six million Americans are in bed with back pain. Is there such a thing as low back pain cure? The answer is yes!

Expert chiropractors at McKim Health Clinics in Boise ID will help you with Low Back Pain Cure Boise ID. Our experts will treat with best suitable Low Back Pain Treatment.

The Chiropractic Approach

Chiropractors have helped millions of people with low back problems, often saving them from pain, disability, drugs and surgery, with natural low back pain cures. This is the difference between a life of health and comfort, or a life of pain, disease and disability. It has been proven that the low back pain cures established by chiropractors are one of the most preferred and most effective methods of care for acute adult low back pain. It has been found that extended bed rest (more than four days) was harmful, and that muscle relaxants and surgery can be unnecessary and, in some cases, harmful.

In addition to chiropractic care, here are a few suggestions to help prevent some types of low back pain from beginning:

  • Stand proudly -When standing for long periods of time, consider whether your shoulders are rounded; if so, pull them back gently. Remember that placing pressure on one leg throws the spine into a sideways curvature, which can make the shoulders and hips uneven. Keep an eye on the way your head sits on your shoulders. Try and find the correct alignment for the head, neck and upper spine.
  • Sit properly --The personal computer age means we tend to slump forward, for which the pay-off is bad posture, lack of work for the core muscles and a lower back pain pandemic. Moving your position is very important. Get up and walk around regularly.
  • Sleep well -- When we sleep, our backs release the stress accumulated during the day, and the force that our body weight places on the spine is greatly reduced. If your bed is more than eight years old, or has moulded itself to the shape of someone else's body, renewed back pain is likely.
  • Stretch -- Back pain used to mean taking to your bed and staying there. Strengthening and stretching the muscles girdling the spine - the core stability muscles - is key.
  • Get coordinated –A strengthening program and acoordination workout consisting of balance exercises such as knee-elbow touches and the use of a wobble board will result in low back pain diminishing significantly
  • Chill out -- Many sufferers of low back pain are victims of tension myositis syndrome, whereby stress and repressed anger cause the brain to lessen blood supply to the lower spine. No exercise is required; address the anger issues.

The doctors at our McKim Health Clinics treat our patients with the DRS Protocol™, a non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, a form of low back pain cure to relieve back pain associated with spinal and disc problems. Before prescribing a course of treatment, you will be given a thorough examination to determine whether you are a candidate for the DRS Protocol™ Therapy.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Why do I need a Chiropractor for Back Pain?

When should I see a chiropractor for back pain? Everyone takes walking upright on two feet for granted. And although it has its advantages (of course, this is how humans walk), just the act of walking puts intense pressure on the spine, as well as on the rest of our bodies’ bones and muscles. Then, throw in consistent improper sitting, lifting, or reaching, along with the normal wear and tear of working and playing, and you have developed a recipe for back pain. Second only to upper-respiratory infections, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to a doctor’s office. Many experts declare that as many as 80% of people will experience a back problem at some time in their lives. More than 30 million Americans sought the help of a back chiropractor last year alone.

Suffering from back pain? Our expert Chiropractor Boise ID for Back Pain provides painless treatment for these symptoms. Meet Chiropractors Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics.

It’s sad to say, but back injuries are a part of our daily lives. Fortunately, the spine is normally quite good at dealing with injuries, and minor injuries will usually heal within a day or two. However, some types of pain refuse to go away! Don’t delay in finding a back chiropractor who knows and understands the underlying cause and can treat it with safe and effective, drug-free treatments.

Tips for Back Pain Prevention:

  • Healthy diet and weight.
  • Stay active with the advice of your back chiropractor.
  • Warm up or stretch before exercising.
  • Walk and sit with proper posture.
  • Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
  • Sleep on a medium firm mattress to minimize any curve in your spine.
  • Lift with your knees, keep the object close to your body, and do not twist.
  • Quit smoking--it impairs blood flow, resulting in oxygen and nutrient deprivation to spinal tissues.
  • Make sure your workstation is ergonomically correct.

Find a Chiropractor for Back Pain

If you experience back pain, consult a specialized back chiropractor. With a thorough knowledge of the structure and functioning of the human body, doctors of chiropractic will make a diagnosis and recommend the appropriate therapy to correct problems using spinal adjustments, dietary and lifestyle advice, and other natural tools.

For more information about injuries and pain that won’t go away, schedule an appointment with one of our back chiropractors at the McKim Health Clinics. Call us today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID receive the best care possible!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Sports Chiropractor: Don’t play around with Pain!

Whether amateurs or professional, most people will experience some type of injury related to a sport or fitness regimen at some time in their life. Today’s culture urges us to exercise to burn calories, tone muscles, and increase metabolism. But, according to a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission report, sports injuries among baby boomers is on the rise each year. During 2006, it was reported that there were over half a million injuries for basketball alone, plus another two million associated with bicycling, football, running, and other sports. A sports chiropractor knows the best type of sports chiropractic treatment to allieviate pain and prevent the injury from getting worse over time.

McKim Chiropractic Clinic Boise ID is a health care center vital to the injured athlete with Sports Chiropractor Boise ID concern deliberate for your particular problems. Find our Chiropractor Treatment Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics.

Amateur sports enthusiasts and professional sports men/women are all likely to suffer from occasional sports injuries. Injuries may be the result of poor warm-up and stretching techniques, years of poor posture, or a previously undetected spine or joint problem. Failing to receive the appropriate treatment promptly from a sports chiropractor and continuing to overuse the injured area will prolong the healing process and result in a chronic injury and shorten the possibility of a promising career.

At McKim Health Clinics, you can receive sports chiropractic treatment to help relieve your pain from sports related injuries! Our doctors of sports chiropractic can provide skilled chiropractic adjustments, kinesiotaping, or intense directed massage.

For new patients, we offer:

  • Same day appointments
  • Most insurances accepted
  • Break-through treatments
  • No obligation consultations

For more information about sports chiropractic treatment and to schedule an appointment, call us today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/. Our licensed and certified sports chiroprator is committed to helping the sports enthusiasts of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID get back in the game of life pain-free!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Low Back Pain Treatment: My pain won’t go away!

Almost everyone gets back pain at some time in their life, but staying active, with the benefit of specialized low back pain treatments may well be the best solution. As the years go by, loss of proper movement of the spinal joints can interfere with the healthy working of your spine and the nerves that pass through it. This can lead to pain that just won't go away without low back pain treatments.

McKim Health Clinics Boise ID will help you with Low Back Pain Cure Boise ID. Our experts will treat with best suitable Low Back Pain Treatment Boise ID.

You have heard that pain is a warning sign and should not be ignored. Too many times, we hear our patients say, "I thought it would go away in a couple of days, but I'm still in pain." Each time you have pain the same area it is more likely to not go away, and then it becomes a chronic problem. This seems to be especially true in the case of low back pain.

Pain killers simply mask the pain! Through our innovative low back pain treatment, DRS Protocol™, our team of chiropractic doctors at McKim Health Clinics have helped many patients rediscover a life without pain without traditional surgery or pain-killing drugs, and with the added benefit of a quick recovery process.

Before starting a regimen of low back pain treatments, we will carry out a thorough examination, including x-rays, take a full medical history, check your posture and discuss your lifestyle to determine the cause of your pain. We will make a diagnosis and start the appropriate low back pain treatment to free any stiff joints and remove spinal nerve irritation. This effective, drug-free treatment is generally painless.

If you are tired of dealing every day with pain, contact us at McKim Health Clinics. Call our office or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com for more information about low back pain treatment and to schedule a consultation and examination. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID obtain pain-free living.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Is Prenatal Chiropractic Care Safe for Mom and Baby?

Because you're reading this article, you may already know that chiropractic care does NOT use drugs or surgery to restore and maintain the health of the spinal column, discs, related nerves and bone geometry. What could be safer than that for a women looking for an infant chiropractic center? Prenatal chiropractic care promotes health throughout the body, both for the mother and baby.

McKim Chiropractic Clinic Boise ID is a health care profession treat with Prenatal Chiropractic Boise ID and Infant Chiropractic Boise ID care which is Safe for Mom and Baby.

Chiropractors who work with pregnant women may use tables that adjust for a pregnant woman's body, and they will use techniques that avoid unneeded pressure on the abdomen. A chiropractor will not only make spinal adjustments, but will generally recommend exercises and stretches that are safe to use during pregnancy.

Why should I have chiropractic care during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are physiological and endocrinological changes occurring which are working to create the environment for the developing baby. Establishing pelvic balance and alignment is an important during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned it may reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. This can affect the mother's ability to have a natural, non-invasive birth. Breech and posterior positions can interfere with the natural ease of labor and lead to interventions such as c-sections.

What are the benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic care?

Potential benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

  • A healthier pregnancy
  • Control nausea
  • Reduce labor and delivery time
  • Relieve pain in the back, neck or joints
  • Prevent caesarean section

To help your newborn achieve optimum growth and development, infant chiropractic care can be part of post-natal care. The birth process is one of the most physically, chemically and emotionally stressful events to the human body. Newborns are particularly susceptible to becoming subluxated during birth. Such stresses may not be immediately obvious and, if left uncorrected, may not become apparent for many years.

For answers to any questions about prenatal chiropractic care, call the infant chiropractic center at McKim Health Clinics today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information and to schedule a consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the women and children of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID achieve health and wholeness.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Have you been diagnosed with Degenerative Spine Disease?

Are you dealing with chronic back pain on a daily basis? You would be wise to consult a doctor of chiropractic to find out about degenerative spine disease. A diagnosis of degenerative spine diagnosis isn't uncommon, and should not be taken lightly. The spine is a complex machine made up of a series of muscles, ligaments, vertebrae, and intervertebral discs. The discs are the most vital part of the spine because they allow for spinal flexibility and are designed to act as shock absorbers for the daily movements of other parts of the spine. The discs also function as ligaments that hold the vertebrae together.

Spinal Decompression Therapy Boise ID with a proven Spinal Decompression Treatment Boise ID works with the body to restore proper function and health. Visit us to know more about Spinal Decompression Boise ID.

Unfortunately, as the years add up, the tension and stress that your spine has had to endure takes a toll on these discs. Age-related changes also cause the discs to become drier and thinner, making them more prone to damage, ultimately leading to a degenerative spine disorder. Because the spine is a narrow column filled with nerve tissue, any change in the structural integrity or placement of the discs threatens to impinge on adjacent spinal nerves, which is often what causes painful degenerative spine symptoms.

Two common types of degenerative spine disease are:

  • Degenerative disc disease – the breakdown of the intervertebral discs. Conditions such as a herniated disc, bulging disc, and thinning discs, are common when a patient is diagnosed with degenerative spine disorder.
  • Osteoarthritis – also referred to as degenerative spinal arthritis. This is the breakdown of cartilage located on the spinal facet joints. Osteoarthritis is a common cause of bone spurs in the spine.

Following a diagnosis of degenerative spine disorder, the condition can often be successfully treated with a conservative rehabilitation routine, which might include spinal decompression treatment, physical therapy, hot and cold compresses, or over-the-counter pain medication. If the symptoms worsen, you may be prescribed stronger medication or anti-inflammatory steroid injections.

Through their innovative spinal decompression therapy, our team of chiropractic experts have helped many patients rediscover a life without pain without traditional surgery, and with the added benefit of a quick recovery process. If you suspect you're a victim of degenerative spine disease, contact us today at McKim Health Clinics. Call our office or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information and to schedule a consultation and examination. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID obtain pain-free living.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Chiropractic Therapy: Does it Really Work?

Why has chiropractic therapy become so popular? When you walk into the waiting room of your chiropractor’s office, you will find people with various kinds of health problems. It has been proven through the years with numerous cases, that chiropractor therapy helps one’s overall health, and with the appropriate treatment, many people find relief from all types of health problems, such as…

McKim Chiropractic Clinic Boise ID is a health care profession treat with Chiropractic Therapy Boise ID concern deliberate for your particular problems. Meet our expert Chiropractors at McKim Health Clinics in Boise ID for the Whole Family Care!

  • asthma, ear infections, or colic
  • pelvic pain, menstrual problems or infertility
  • back, neck, arm shoulder or leg pain
  • headaches, allergies, arthritis, colds, flu, vision and
  • other problems

Chiropractic therapy benefits many people in many different ways. People are looking for chiropractor therapy to help them:

  • increase their energy
  • maintain and enhance good health
  • Increase their bodies’ ability to relax
  • Achieve greater life enjoyment

To answer our very first question above, chiropractic therapy is popular because:

  • It is the non-invasive method of keeping your spine, nerves and energies functioning without interference so you may be at your physical and mental best
  • It is safe, effective and gentle
  • It helps turn on your body’s healing power
  • It is a science of natural healing
Simply stated, chiropractic therapy works! Contact the doctors of chiropractic at McKim Health Clinics by calling our office today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/> for more information about chiropractor therapy and to schedule a consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID achieve chiropractic wellness.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Pediatric Chiropractic: How does your Child adjust?

If you have been reading up on child chiropractic care, you may be aware that the master control system of growth, repair and the function of every tissue and organ in the body is the nervous system. This is the system in your child's body that is in charge of accurately interpreting the messages coming from the environment and deciding which messages to send so the body adjusts itself appropriately.

No matter the age of your child they deserve the best Child Chiropractic Care Boise ID. Contact Chiropractors Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics to find out more about Pediatric Chiropractic Boise ID.

Is it appropriate for children to receive child chiropractic care? We believe it is not only appropriate, it should be considered necessary for the proper development of their small spine. When you stop and think about the number of falls and mishaps children experience as they grow, there is a great probability of minor injuries occurring that may not seem significant at the time. However, these minor injuries, with the passing of time (maybe years), can accumulate and become a more significant health issue as an adult.

With the expertise and knowledge that is available today for good health and wellness, children do not have to endure the same physical difficulties of their parents or grandparents. Their spine can be kept mobile and in its best possible functional position with gentle pediatric chiropractic adjustments. Their whole physical body as well as their mental state is positively affected when the nervous system is relieved of stress and tension.

No matter the age of your child (from infancy to adolescence), they deserves the best child chiopractic care possible! Contact the doctors of chiropractic at McKim Health Clinics to find out more about pediatric chiropractic care. Call our office today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information and consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the children of Boise,ID and Nampa, ID achieve complete health and chiropractic wellness.

Monday, 17 September 2012

What is Hypothyroidism Alternative Treatment? Please tell me more!

Have you been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid? Are you looking for a hypothyroidism alternative treatment to replace the traditional form of hypothyroid treatment, prescribed medications?

It has been found through extensive testing that many times the root of hypothyroidism is not really in the thyroid. Research has shown that 90% of people with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune hypothyroid condition, in which the immune system attacks thyroid tissue. To cure thyroid disease, or any autoimmune condition, you have to treat the source of the imbalance, not just suppress the symptoms with medication.  

Diet - An important Hypothyroidism Alternative Treatment!

Your diet is the first line of defense as an alternative form of hypothyroid treatments. Because people with hypothyroidism experience crippling fatigue and brain fog, they reach for non-nutritional forms of quick energy.

The 10 diet tips below will help reduce your fatigue and restore the focus needed for your daily tasks.

1. Reduce or eliminate caffeine and sugar, including refined carbohydrates like flour, which can damage your thyroid and destabilize blood sugar.

2. Increase protein, which transports the thyroid hormone to all your tissues and helps normalize thyroid function. Good proteins include nuts and nut butters; quinoa; hormone- and antibiotic-free animal products (organic, grass-fed meats, eggs, and sustainably-farmed fish); and legumes.

3. Fat and cholesterol. If you’re getting insufficient fat and cholesterol, you could be exacerbating hormonal imbalance, including thyroid hormones. Natural, healthful fats include olive oil; ghee; avocados; flax seeds; fish; nuts and nut butters; hormone-and antibiotic-free full fat cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese; and coconut milk products.

4. Increase nutrients and minerals. Nutritional deficiencies do not cause hypothyroidism, but can aggravate symptoms. Make sure you’re getting sufficient levels of vitamin D, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc, copper, vitamin A, the B vitamins, and iodine. Eat non-starchy vegetables to your heart’s content.

Gluten-free? The molecular composition of thyroid tissue is almost identical to that of gluten, so eating gluten can increase the autoimmune attack on your thyroid.

6. Goitrogens? These are foods that can interfere with thyroid function, and include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, rutabaga, turnips, millet, spinach, strawberries, peaches, watercress, peanuts, radishes, and soybeans. Cooking inactivates the goitrogenic compounds, so go ahead and eat these foods in moderation.

7. Glutathione? This is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and boosts your body’s ability to modulate and regulate the immune system, dampen autoimmune flare-ups, and protect and heal thyroid tissue. Very few foods actually contain glutathione, but some help the body produce it, such as asparagus, broccoli, peaches, avocado, spinach, garlic, squash, grapefruit, and raw eggs.
8. Food sensitivities. The body will see offending or inflammatory foods as an invader and will elevate autoimmune response.

9. Add probiotics. 20 percent of thyroid function depends on a sufficient supply of probiotics (friendly intestinal bacteria).

10. Inflammation. Prevent silent inflammation by being aware of hidden allergens and toxins in your food.

Do you want to know more about Hypothyroidism Alternative Treatment? Call the office of McKim Health Clinics today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information about hypothyroid treatments, or to schedule a consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID achieve health wholeness.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Sports Chiropractic: Are you living on the sideline?

Whether you’re an amateur sports enthusiast, or involved in professional sports, at some point in time you will likely be in need of sports chiropractic due to a sports injury. The injury could be the result of poor warm up and stretching techniques, poor posture, or a previously undetected spine or joint problem that shows up during strenuous activity. The best chiropractic treatment is designed to minimize permanent injury by treating the cause of the injury.

McKim Chiropractors Clinic Boise ID is a health care center vital to the injured athlete with Sports Chiropractic Boise ID concern deliberate for your particular problems. Find our Chiropractic Treatment Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics.

What is the critical warning sign of an injury?

The answer is fairly obvious, Pain! Don’t ignore it! Following an injury, if an athlete fails to find the best chiropractic treatment as soon as possible, or continues to keep on using the injured area regardless of the pain, the healing process will be short-circuited and could result in a chronic injury, preventing the athlete from achieving his or her peak performance. Some will try to mask the symptoms and the pain with painkilling drugs, but leaving an injury untreated will only be compounded with time. Don’t delay in seeking the help of sports chiropractic treatment.

Injuries that should be taken care of with sports chiropractic treatment include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Hamstring and calf strains
  • Groin & thigh sprains
  • Achilles tendon injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Shoulder sprain/strain
  • Sciatica
  • Tennis/golfers elbow

If you have already experienced one or more of the injuries listed above, you know that sports chiropractic is the best chiropractic care vital to the injured athlete.

As doctors experienced in sports chiropractic treatment, we can help relieve your pain and get you back in the game! Contact our doctors of sports chiropractic today at McKim Health Clinics to schedule an appointment or go online at http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information about the best chiropractic treatment prescribed specifically for you. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help those active in sports activities of any kind in the Boise, ID and Nampa, ID area to get you off the bench of life!

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Want to know more about Natural Diabetes Treatment?

What kind of diabetes treatment are you on? Research has shown that diabetes and its complications can be treated and/or prevented safely without prescription drugs. If you have diabetes, or showing any of the signs of diabetes, you can start now with a natural treatment plan. This is the alternative diabetes treatment that can help you either reduce the amount of your prescribed medications, or possibly eliminate them altogether!

Wondering to know about Natural Diabetes Treatment? Reduce the amount of your prescribed medications, or possibly eliminate with our Diabetes Type II Treatments at McKim Health Clinics Boise ID.

Natural Diabetes Treatment consists of:

  • Diet: This is the single most important change any diabetic or person at risk can make. The correct diabetic diet should have a low glycemic index which means: low simple carbohydrates, moderate protein and high fiber. This diet will reduce blood sugar, insulin levels, and the need for medications. It will also help to reduce weight and blood pressure, as well as support overall health and energy.
  • Exercise: Research shows that exercise is of great benefit to diabetics and can greatly reduce the risk of developing Type II diabetes. Regular exercise also helps reduce weight, lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, strengthen the immune system, improve circulation, lower blood pressure, lower LDL (“bad”), raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and reduce risk of heart disease.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Every diabetic should be taking nutritional supplements on a daily basis to lower blood sugar and insulin levels, reduce cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. It will improve your energy, and also protects your tissues (eyes, kidneys, blood vessels), your heart, and supports your immune system. from the diabetes often causes.

Wondering about the natural diabetes treatment that may replace traditional diabetes treatment or prescription medicines? Call our office today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information or to schedule a free consultation. Our licensed and certified staff are happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID live a fully balanced life.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Achieve Chiropractic Wellness with Chiropractic Service!

If you have been suffering with chronic pain in your lower back, limbs, or neck, you understand that it takes consistent chiropractic service to keep it under control. There are days when you don't understand why you are in such pain, even though you have already had back surgery, on medication, or have undergone an extensive series of chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment is known to be effective in treating pain, but what about keeping it under control for the long term. Patients have reported that preventive spinal manipulation for chronic pain has resulted in pain-free living. Just as your home requires vigilant upkeep to prevent the walls, floors, and roof from deteriorating, so persons who suffer from chronic pain require consistent chiropractic service consisting of spinal manipulation to achieve chiropractic wellness.

McKim Chiropractic Center Boise ID is a health care profession treat with Chiropractic Service Boise ID designed for your particular problems. Meet us for Chiropractic Wellness Boise ID treatment at McKim Health Clinics.

Following an intensive phase of treatment of chronic pain in which the pain and disability levels decrease, it is important to follow up with regular chiropractic service. If this is neglected, it is probable that a patient's level of pain and/or disability will revert back to their pre-treatment levels.

If you are one of the thousands of people with chronic back pain, you can find relief with preventive chiropractic care. If you are suffering with pain and have lost, or are starting to lose the ability to function normally, make an appointment with a doctor of chiropractic. The goal of chiropractic treatment is to achieve long-term chiropractic wellness!

Contact the doctors of chiropractic at McKim Health Clinics to find out more about preventative chiropractic service. Call our office today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information and consultation. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID achieve pain-free living.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Spinal Decompression Therapy: Do you know what it means?

Simply stated, the term “spinal decompression” describes the relief of pressure on one or many pinched nerves of the spinal column. Spinal decompression can be achieved both surgically and non-surgically and is used to treat conditions that result in chronic back pain such as disc bulge, disc herniation, sciatica and spinal stenosis. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, you may be a candidate for spinal decompression therapy, the leading alternative to invasive surgery.

McKim Health Clinics Boise ID is a health care profession treat with Spinal Decompression Boise ID for relief of pressure. Consider Spinal Decompression Therapy Boise ID, the safe, non-surgical alternative with us.

If your medical physician has recommended surgical spinal decompression, it may be performed using one of these common procedures: Microdisectomy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure using a surgical instrument or laser while using an operating microscope for magnification; or a Laminectomy, an invasive surgical procedure in which a small portion of the arch of the vertebrae (bone) is removed from the spine to alleviate the pressure on the pinched nerve.

Consider Spinal Decompression Therapy, the safe, non-surgical alternative!

To find out if you are a candidate for treatment, you will want to seek the professional advice of a chiropractor who specializes in back pain, treating not just the symptoms, but the root cause. With the use of advanced computer technology, a mechanical traction device controls the force and angle of disc distraction, reducing the body’s natural tendency to resist an external force. This enhanced control allows non-surgical spinal decompression tables to apply a traction force to the discs of the spinal column to reduce the pressure between each disc.

Spinal decompression therapy is promoted as safe and effective without the normal risks associated with invasive procedures such as injections, anesthesia or surgery. Many patients have actually stated that they look forward to the treatment, as it is usually quite comfortable and well tolerated, with the added benefit of relieving their pain.

Have back pain? If you would like to avoid back surgery, seek the expert advice of our doctors of chiropractic at McKim Health Clinics and have the necessary examination to find out if you are a candidate for spinal decompression therapy. Call our office today or go to http://www.mckimchiropractic.com/ for more information about spinal decompression. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Boise, ID and Nampa, ID achieve pain-free living.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Chiropractic Care Boise ID

Chiropractic Care 101


What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care is used most often to treat neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, and headaches, just to name a few.

McKim Chiropractic Center Boise ID is a health care profession treat with Chiropractic Adjustment Boise ID on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Meet expert Chiropractors Boise ID at McKim Health Clinics will Help.


How do Doctors of Chiropractic provide care?


They practice using a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling. The most common procedure performed is a “spinal manipulation,” also called “chiropractic adjustment”. This procedure can be manual as well as nonforce adjusting.


How does Chiropractic care generally help patients?


The purpose of manipulation is to restore joint mobility, and stimulate the Nervous System, by manually applying a controlled force into joints that have become hypomobile – or restricted in their movement – as a result of a tissue injury. Tissue injury can be caused by a single traumatic event, such as improper lifting of a heavy object, or through repetitive stresses, such as sitting in an awkward position with poor spinal posture for an extended period of time. In either case, injured tissues undergo physical and chemical changes that can cause inflammation, pain, and diminished function for the sufferer. Manipulation, or adjustment of the affected joint and tissues, restores mobility, stimulates the Nervous System, thereby alleviating pain and muscle tightness, improving communication to the Nervous System, and allowing tissues to heal.